Sessione Criosfera 

Claudio Smiraglia • “Ardito Desio” Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Milano, Italia
Cryosphere: some considerations from recent footprints of the cryospheric sciences to the forthcoming steps

Frank Paul • Glaciology, Geomorphodynamics and Geochronology Physical Geography Division, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Svizzera
Global Glacier Inventories and GLIMS: Status and Applications

Valter Maggi • Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio e di Scienze della Terra, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italia
Mid-latitude ice core records from high mountains

Yaoming Ma • Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cina
Using field observation and satellite data for the air-land interaction study over heterogeneous landscape of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding area

Mauro Guglielmin • Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate, Università degli Studi dell’ Insubria, Italia
Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain Permafrost

Shresth Tayal • Centre for Himalayan Ecology, Water Resources Division, TERI, India
Multiple vulnerability forcers to high altitude hydrological patterns

Ethan Gutmann • National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
High Resolution Simulations of Climate Change in the Colorado Headwaters: Water Balance

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