
Piramide dell’Everest, “un medico in famiglia” a distanza

BERGAMO — Se in questo momento vi trovaste a 5050 metri di quota, in una valle remota, ai piedi della montagna più alta della Terra, riparati in una struttura a forma di Piramide e vi sentiste male, potreste essere curati da un medico valdostano, seduto davanti ad un monitor: presa visione dei vostri parametri vitali appena rilevati, potrebbe inviarvi tramite web o a voce un consulto all’istante. E forse potrebbe salvarvi la vita.



Cryosphere Day: Ev-K2-CNR at COP19

BERGAMO - More evident, more intense, with immediate and direct effects on the life population: these are the specific characteristics of the climate changes taking place in mountainous regions. It is important that policy makers and the scientific community give special attention to the mountains, real "sentinels" of climate change. For this reason the Ev-K2-CNR Committee will be present at COP19 in Warsaw in November 2013 with two events: the "Cryosphere and Development: risks and solutions" event that will take place on 16 November in the afternoon, and the "Day of the Cryosphere" event dedicated to climate change in the polar regions and mountains, on November 17.



Evk2cnr collaboration is doing best in Nepal: Ambassador Mancini

KATHMANDU, Nepal- H.E. Daniele Mancini, Ambassador of Italy to India and Nepal had visited Nepal last month along with the high level delegation of the embassy officials. During his Nepal stay, the ambassador participated various programmes and interacted with the Nepali officials regarding scientific and other bilateral co-operations. At the moment, Nepal Mountain Focus page of, had an opportunity to interview H.E Mancini regarding his Nepal visit, Italian co-operations in Nepal and bilateral relations between Nepal and Italy. H.E. Mancini, during sideline of the events, had shared his personal opinion on Nepal, the bilateral relations between Italy and Nepal and the Evk2cnr-NAST collaborations in the field of scientific researches. Here is the excerpt of the written interview conducted with the ambassador.



Ev-k2- CNR, NAST’s joint initiation for better economic prosperity: President Agostino Da Polenza

KATHMANDU, Nepal-President of Ev-k2- CNR committee, Agostino Da Polenza said Ev-k2-CNR and NAST have been working in Nepal since 25 years for the better economic prosperity of Nepal and Nepalese people along with scientific, environment and mountaineering research activities which are being carried out beneath the roof of the world, 8,848 meter high Mount Everest.



Italian researchers, scientists observe EvK2CNR Suskat Station

KATHMANDU, Nepal- Various noted Italian researchers and scientists visited the Representative Office of the EvK2CNR here on Sunday, September 29, 2013 and gathered information regarding the research works being carried out by the EvK2CNR here in Nepal.



A Pakistani expedition to the top of K2. Da Polenza announces plans for the 60th anniversary of the first ascent

BERGAMO - 2014 will be an important anniversary in the history of mountaineering: July 31 will be exactly sixty years after the first ascent of K2, the second highest mountain on Earth, achieved by the Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.


The Minister Bonino to EvK2CNR: research excellence and a model of international cooperation

ROME — “I take the opportunity offered by the event “The Italian Science and Cooperation at the shadow of K2”, organized by the EvK2CNR Committee, to congratulate you, your team of scientists and all those who have joined the initiative for the great success of the Everest K2 Project”. With these words, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mrs Emma Bonino thanked the EvK2CNR Committee and its President Agostino Da Polenza following the events in Pakistan, in Islamabad and Skardu, which obtained a great success.



Cinema and meetings under the Karakorum Sky: opening in Skardu of the new headquarters of the park

SKARDU, Pakistan - The axe sinks into the snow searching the ice, a woman climbs the steep slope of the Aiguille Verte. Under the vertical two ropes climb down, tied to two climbers far below.


Prime Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan: EvK2CNR has an important role for the development of our region

SKARDU, Pakistan - “Agostino Da Polenza and the EvK2CNR team are doing an excellent job for the promotion of tourism and science in Gilgit-Baltistan. I really appreciate the work they do on a social level and their links with this region. EvK2CNR’s help and cooperation are playing an important role in Gilgit-Baltistan. I hope their commitment and their services, which will continue in the future, are a strong push for development, especially in the region of Baltistan. I love Pakistan”. This is the comment by Syed Mehdi Shah, Prime Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan, who spoke at Skardu within “The Italian Science and Cooperation at the shadow of K2”, four full days of events organized to celebrate the collaboration between Italy and Pakistan. These words were written directly by the Prime Minister on the Visitors Book of the Museum. 

A virtual journey in the Park of K2 with the exhibition “Through the CKNP”

Skardu, Pakistan – A real virtual journey to get to know the boundaries, land, flora and fauna of the Park’s tallest Earth. That ‘s what we offer you today thanks to the exhibition “Through the CKNP” (Central Karakoram National Park), which opened on September 12 in Skardu, K2 at the Italian Museum in the presence of Syed Mehdi Shah Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan.


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